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Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIA, LEED Green Assoc.
Executive Vice President
Hillary Cole, Hon. AIA CA
Director of Programs
Kylie Cabral, CPA
Director of Finance
Tibby Rothman, Hon. AIA|LA
Director of Communications
Scott Terrell
Director of Government Relations
Kimberly Anderson, Hon. AIA CA
California Architectural Foundation Director of Development
Brandie Palmquist
Accounting Manager, Hon. AIA CA
Mardriss Nelson
MIS Coordinator, Hon. AIA CA
Cam Pietralunga
Senior Graphic Designer/
Web Developer
Rebekah Aceves
Assistant Director of Programs
Sarah Vasquez
Climate Action Program Coordinator
Ashley Taylor
Awards Program Coordinator
Tina Linn
Financial Assistant
Mirna Douet
Executive Assistant
Blake Driskell
CAF Intern
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