AIA CA Climate Action Webinar Series | Storm Water as a Site Design Element
This course provides a regulatory update on recently passed regulations that will be effective in the California Building Standards Code next year and offers attendees information on how to engage with state agencies in the rulemaking process that will impact sustainability and carbon reduction in future codes. Ida Clair will give a regulatory update for […]
June 15th, 2022 12:00pm – 1:30pmAs climate change intensifies, the risk of devastating wildfires around the world will surge in coming decades and is being considered a “global wildfire crisis.” In recent years, California has seen the wildfire season expand beyond a few months to the entire calendar year, and conditions in spring and early […]
Energy Code Ace strives to make energy code compliance fast and easy. During this session, we’ll explore how designers can use the Virtual Compliance Assistant to document nonresidential envelope projects using the prescriptive approach, verify compliance prior to permit submittal and even provide installers with pre-populated installation forms. Please join Jill Marver, Energy Code Ace […]