AIA CA Climate Action Webinar Series | Storm Water as a Site Design Element
Community-Partner Webinar PresenterGina Rodda, CEA | Principal/Owner | Gable Associates, LLC. This hour-long Code Breaker focuses on requirements in California’s 2022 Single-family Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6) for Nonresidential, Hotel/Motel and Multifamily envelope features, including roofing products and insulation, wall, raised floor, fenestration, and solid door for all scopes of work (new construction, additions […]
Speakers:Simon Turner | Founder, Building Cognition LLCOrlane Panet | Co-founder, Micro HabitatVicki Worden | President & CEO, Green Building InitiativeScience shows that people benefit from daylight, views, and natural ventilation. Today’s technologies allow architects to incorporate biophilic design into building design as part of their net zero carbon design goals and project requirements.As part of […]