Update: 02.25.25 Click for Special Election – Vice President of the Academy for Emerging Professionals (AEP)
About the AIA California Board of Directors & Election Procedures
Looking to make an impact in the architectural profession? AIA California Board of Directors members shape the direction and activities of the largest AIA state in the country. Standing for election offers a platform to lead, learn, and contribute.
AIA California leadership is comprised of two main groups, the Board of Directors and the board’s Executive Committee. Each holds different responsibility.
The Board of Directors establishes policy. With elected leaders from across the state, it is composed of: individuals who represent 21 local components, ex officio members of the Executive Committee, and members who represent California at AIA, the national level.
Implementing policy and overseeing organizational operations is the Executive Committee, which is comprised of the AIA California President, and eleven other elected members who oversee different areas such as the Vice-President of Government Relations, the Vice President of Professional Practice, and the Vice President of Climate Action. These Board Members are empowered to conduct the business of AIA CA and responsible for implementation of Board-directed policies.
For more information on AIA CA leadership roles and opportunities, contact AIA California Executive Vice President Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIA.
//latest news
//key dates
Friday, August 8, 2024
Call for Nominations
Friday, September 6, 2024
Nominations due (all positions)
Monday, September 9, 2024
List of nominees posted on AIA CA’s website and Relevance newsletter
Friday, October 4, 2024
Candidate materials due (photos, bio, philosophies)
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Publicity for confirmed candidates posted on AIA CA’s website and included in Relevance newsletter
November 8, 2024
Additional nominations (if any) from the floor accepted during the AIA CA Annual Board of Directors Meeting
Position | Terms | Nominee(s) |
First Vice President/President Elect | 2025 | Ginger Thompson, AIA |
VP of Government Relations | 2025-2026 | Laura Knauss, AIA |
VP of Education and Professional Development | 2025-2026 | Amy Eliot, AIA |
VP of Communications and Public Affairs | 2025-2026 | Carol Lanham, AIA |
VP of California CACE | 2025-2026 | Kristine Hammond |
AIA Strategic Councilor (National Position) | 2025-2027 | Winston Thorne, AIA |
Young Architect Representative (National Position) | 2025-2026 | Magdalini Vraila, AIA |
Associate Director, South | 2025-2026 | Rebekah Dalton, Assoc. AIA |
Student Director, South | 2025-2026 | Kyle Kim |
This information serves the Call for Nominations for open positions in AIA California and within AIA. Please note that there are important differences in the nominating procedures for the open offices of the AIA CA and the AIA.
National Positions (Strategic Councilor)
To nominate candidates to represent California on AIA’s Strategic Council of Advisors, National AIA Bylaws and Rules of the Board dictate required nomination procedures. These procedures are replicated in AIA CA’s Bylaws and Rules of the Board and are repeated below.
- By a petition of signatures of at least ten (10) AIA CA members in good standing; or
- By resolution of any California chapter’s Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
Date of Elections
The elections will be held on Friday, November 8, 2024, virtually via Zoom, during the AIA CA Annual Meeting.
Open Position(s) + Term(s)
1st Vice President/President Elect 2025
Term: Serves one year as FVP then automatically succeeds to the office of President
Current Officer: Carina Mills, AIA
Staff Liaison(s): Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIA, Executive Vice President;
Mirna Douet, Executive Assistant
- Perform all the duties of the President in his/her absence
- Have primary responsibility for the AIA CA Policy Book
- Have primary responsibility for monitoring the annual Operating Plan
- Co-chair the Planning and Finance Committee with the Secretary/Treasurer
- Serve as liaison to the Long-Range Planning Committee; work collaboratively with the VP of Strategic Planning & Research to monitor and review Long Range and Strategic plans.
- Serve as ex-officio member of the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee
- Serve as an ex-officio member of the Leadership Development Committee
- Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee
- Serve as member of the Capitol Forum Board (CALC PAC Committee)
- Participate in annual review of the Strategic Plan and development of the annual Operating Plan and budget
- Participate in monthly leadership calls
- Coordinate leadership development efforts in support of any and all committees, task forces and working groups for the organization
1st Vice President/President Elect 2025
Term: Serves one year as FVP then automatically succeeds to the office of President
Current Officer: Carina Mills, AIA
Staff Liaison(s): Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIA, Executive Vice President;
Mirna Douet, Executive Assistant
- Perform all the duties of the President in his/her absence
- Have primary responsibility for the AIA CA Policy Book
- Have primary responsibility for monitoring the annual Operating Plan
- Co-chair the Planning and Finance Committee with the Secretary/Treasurer
- Serve as liaison to the Long-Range Planning Committee; work collaboratively with the VP of Strategic Planning & Research to monitor and review Long Range and Strategic plans.
- Serve as ex-officio member of the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee
- Serve as an ex-officio member of the Leadership Development Committee
- Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee
- Serve as member of the Capitol Forum Board (CALC PAC Committee)
- Participate in annual review of the Strategic Plan and development of the annual Operating Plan and budget
- Participate in monthly leadership calls
- Coordinate leadership development efforts in support of any and all committees, task forces and working groups for the organization
VP of Government Relations 2025-2026
Term: Two Years (2025-2026)
Current Officer: Debra Gerod, FAIA
Staff Liaison(s): Scott Terrell, Director of Government Relations
- Identify emerging issues affecting the practice of architecture, developing appropriate responses, and referring those responses to other AIA CA programs and committees for appropriate implementation and developing appropriate legislative response.
- Coordinate activities relating to the California legislative process including the annual Legislative Day in the Districts.
- Work with staff and consultants as liaison to various regulatory agencies including DSA, CAB, HCAI, etc.
- Chair the Advocacy Advisory Committee to develop responses to legislative initiatives of others as well as proactive initiatives on behalf of the profession.
- Serve as ex-officio member of the Capitol Forum Board (CALC PAC Committee) and liaison to the Legislative review subcommittees.
- Participate in annual review of the Strategic Plan and development of the annual Operating Plan and Budget.
VP of Communications and Public Relations 2025-2026
Term: Two Years (2025-2026)
Current Officer: Anne Cotter, AIA
Staff Liaison(s): Tibby Rothman, Hon. AIA|LA Director of Communications;
Cam Pietralunga, Senior Graphic Designer/Web Developer
Ashley Taylor, Program Coordinator for Awards and Emerging Professionals
- Coordinate activities relating to the internal and external communication activities of the organization. Identify, promote, and articulate the profession’s concerns and its activities toward enhancing the built environment
- Chair the Communications Advisory Committee
- Participate as an ex-officio member of the Climate Action communications subcommittee
- Liaison with other programs and committees (as needed) to identify opportunities for enhanced communications efforts
- Identify and respond to public issues and concerns
- Serve as Chair of the California Awards committee and serve as liaison to the Design Awards and Residential Awards programs
- Participate in annual review of the Strategic Plan and development of the annual Operating Plan and budget
VP of Education and Professional Development 2025-2026
Term: Two Years (2025-2026)
Current Officer: Amy Eliot, AIA
Staff Liaison(s): Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIA, Executive Vice President;
Hillary Cole, Hon. AIA CA Director of Programs;
Rebekah Patterson, Asst. Director of Programs
Kim Anderson, Hon. AIA CA, Director of Development, California Architectural Foundation (CAF)
The Vice President of Education and Professional Development is responsible for the coordination of activities relating to the colleges, universities, and schools of architecture concerning professional education.
Specific duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Collaborate with the VP of Professional Practice and co-chair the Professional Practice Advisory Committee (PPAC)
- Coordinate activities relating to the schools of architecture concerning professional education, and serve as an ex-officio member of the Architectural Educators Task Force
- Monitor issues and opportunities concerning architectural education including equity, diversity, and inclusion, challenges within the pipeline, costs, and preparation to enter the profession, etc.
- Chair the AIA CA Education committee and provide oversight of the AIA CA’s continuing education program. and professional development of architects at the state level and serve as primary leadership liaison to conference(s) and/or committees
- Liaison with various committees to determine programmatic needs and content
- Serve as liaison to the California Architectural Foundation as an advisor.
- Participate in annual review of the Strategic Plan and development of the annual Operating Plan and budget
VP of California CACE 2025-2026
Term: Two Years (2025-2026)
Current Officer: Leigh Eisen – AIA San Diego
Staff Liaison(s): Hillary Cole, Hon AIA CA, Director of Programs
- Serve as the liaison to the California Council of Architectural Component Executives (CA CACE)
- Represent the interests and concerns of the AIA Chapters in California regarding the design, development and implementation of AIA CA programs and activities
- Assume other such responsibilities as instructed by the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors
- Monitor activities related to membership such as recruitment, retention, mentorship and may chair any task forces and committees charged with such activities
- Serve as Chair of the Membership Development Committee
- Serve as Chair of the CACE Opportunity Fund Grant Review Committee
- Participate in annual review of the Strategic Plan and development of the annual Operating Plan and budget
Note: this position is only available to local AIA component executives.
Strategic Councilor (National Position) 2025-2027
Term: Three years (Each assignment is staggered)
Current Representatives:
Brett Dougherty, AIA | 2021 – 2024
Leah Bayer, AIA | 2023 – 2025
Scott Gaudineer, AIA | 2024 – 2026
Staff Liaison(s): Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIA, Executive Vice President;
Mirna Douet, Executive Assistant
- Represent California’s AIA members on the AIA Strategic Council as provided in the Institute Bylaws
- Consult with AIA CA officers and representatives of the chapters on issues of importance to California members
- Attend the AIA CA Board meetings as voting members and prepare and present reports as requested
- Liaison with AIA CA Executive Committee (as appropriate)
- Attend the two national Strategic Council meetings, including the AIA Leadership Summit and the AIA Conference on Architecture (and other virtual meetings as required)
- Participate with AIA CA leadership and California representatives in annual planning meeting to discuss issues of national concern
Young Architect Representative (National Position) 2025-2026
Term: Two years (2025-2026)
Current Officers: Vasilies Beseau, AIA
Staff Liaison(s): Nicki Dennis Stephens, Hon. AIA
- Serve as liaison between the AIA Young Architects Forum (YAF) and California members
- Serve on the AIA CA Board of Directors (during second year of two-year term); prepare and present reports to the Board, provide leadership and continuity in identifying and implementing nationwide YAF goals
- Serve as a member of the Academy for Emerging Professionals Council of Advisors, attend meetings and events, and participate in initiatives that support emerging professionals statewide
Note: AIA associates who are not licensed but expect to become licensed within the first year of their term may run for election to this position. However, if they do not complete their full licensure process within the first year, they cannot continue into the second year of their term.
AEP Associate Director, South 2025-2026
Term: Two Years (2025-2026) | Voting Board Member in 2026
Current Officer: Jamal Powell, Assoc. AIA
Staff Liaison(s): Ashley Taylor, Program Coordinator for Awards and Emerging Professionals
- Serve as liaison between AIA CA and organizations of the Associate members, including Associate Directors in each of the 21 local AIA components in California
- Coordinate and attend all Emerging Professionals Forums
- Act as full voting members of the AIA CA Board during the second year of the two-year term
- Attend the Academy for Emerging Professionals annual meeting as a member of the Academy for Emerging Professionals (AEP) Council of Advisors
- Attend the AIA Grassroots Conference
- Prepare and present reports to the Board, vote at Board meetings, provide leadership and continuity in identifying and implementing nationwide Associate goals, and may serve on the Executive Committee representing the Academy for Emerging Professionals
Shall be an Associate member at the time of election
AEP Student Director, South 2025-2026
Term: Two Years (2025-2026) | Voting Board Member in 2026
Current Officers: Stuart Stielau, AIAS
Staff Liaison(s): Ashley Taylor, Program Coordinator for Awards and Emerging Professionals
- Serve as liaison between AIA California and the AIAS
- Serve as liaison to the California schools of architecture and Emerging Professionals in the promotion of the Paul W. Welch, Jr. ARE Scholarship
- Provide leadership and continuity in identifying and implementing statewide student goals
- Vote at Board meeting in the second year of a two-year term
- Prepare and present reports to the Board, vote at Board meetings, provide leadership and continuity in identifying and implementing nationwide student goals
- Provide outreach to local schools of architecture and AIAS chapters and maintain the Student Chapter Database. This Database will contain all contact information, Chapter President, Faculty Advisor, Department Chair, and school address, for each accredited Student Chapter School of Architecture within California. This Database will be used for information sharing, event planning, and communications
- Shall be a student member at the time of election
AIA California elections are held annually, in November, with nominations for open positions due 60 days prior. Candidates may also be nominated from the floor. Any AIA California member in good standing is eligible for election.
Nomination Submittals – General Information (All Positions):
- Nominees must be AIA CA members in good standing and be able to attend all regularly scheduled Board meetings.
- Nomination letter(s) from an AIA CA member in good standing, which includes a statement in support of the candidate, and should be on company letterhead, if applicable, is to be sent via email to mdouet@aiacalifornia.org by the deadline of 5:00pm on Friday, September 6, 2024.
- Nominations for any office not received by the posted deadline must be made from the floor (virtually) by 2/3 vote of the AIA CA Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting which will be held on Friday, November 8, 2024.
No member of the AIA CA Executive Committee shall engage in the endorsement, sponsorship, or nomination of any candidate for AIA CA or AIA office.
Submission Requirements
- No later than Friday, October 4, 2024, candidates must provide the following items via email to mdouet@aiacalifornia.org:
- A 100-word (maximum) summary of the candidate’s background, education, professional history, and service to the professions.
- A 200-word (maximum) summary of the candidate’s philosophy, goals, and objectives in serving in this office.
- Digital photos: please save as a 300 dpi, average size is 2”x3”, in either jpeg or png.
- Candidates are also permitted to submit a letter of support for their nomination from any individual, AIA member or otherwise. This letter shall not be longer than 2 pages in length, including letterhead. Letters exceeding this requirement will not be accepted.
- Letters meeting this requirement will be included in the Board of Directors agenda package for the Annual Meeting on Friday, November 8, 2024.
- Letters will not be published on the AIA CA’s website, nor will they be included in the Relevance
//election procedures
- The nominees for the 2025 open positions will be verified by the AIA CA Secretary/Treasurer.
- Qualifying nomination packages will then be forwarded to AIA CA Communications for publication on the AIA CA website and in the newsletter.
- The election for all open positions will be held during the AIA CA Annual Meeting on Friday, November 8, 2024, virtually via Zoom.
- Candidates for all offices will give a speech not to exceed 3 minutes in length.
- Statements of background and philosophy will be included in the agenda packet for the AIA CA Board of Directors Meeting being held on November 8, 2024.
For more information on the roles and responsibilities of the open offices, please contact AIA CA Executive Assistant, Mirna Douet at (916) 642-1712 or mdouet@aiacalifornia.org.